Laugardagur 27.apríl 2024

Hún missti 27 kíló á sex mánuðum með því að skipta út þessum matvælum

Ritstjórn DV
Mánudaginn 20. maí 2019 20:30

Ekki missa af Helstu tíðindum dagsins í pósthólfið þitt

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Sarep Baggott missti 27 kíló og kom sér í hörkuform í leiðinni. Hún segir frá sögu sinni í Women‘s Health Magazine.

Sarep segir að hún byrjaði að þyngjast eftir að hún eignaðist kærasta, sem nú er eiginmaður hennar, þegar hún var 16 ára. Næstu árin þyngdist hún og varð síðan ófrísk þegar hún var tvítug, árið 2011.


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Ahhh flashback to my first year at the state fair being a mom. ? At this time, I didn’t really care about myself, what I looked like or how I felt about myself because my biggest concern was my baby. I remember looking at other new moms and thinking holy crap, her body bounced right back and she doesn’t even look like she carried a baby for 9 months. Howww?!! ? I was so excited to breast feed, not only because it was going to be so good for my baby, but also because I had hope that it would help me lose a shit ton of weight & I would magically get “skinny”. (Ugh, btw, I absolutely hate the word skinny) & I was like heck yeah, I’m nursing, I’m about to lose all this weight I have put on and I’m gonna be one hot ass mom.. It’s like, I wanted to lose weight but didn’t care enough to do anything about it. But then I started to read about weight loss and the basics of it. I started to understand what a body needs in order to lose weight & it came down to one thing. Calorie deficit. I needed to be in a calorie deficit so that I could lose weight. So I started tracking my calories & wow! I didn’t even realize how MUCH I was over eating. I started realizing how much time it takes in the gym to burn off a burger. And my mindset about food started to change. I started making more mindful decisions. I ACTUALLY STARTED to do SOMETHING about wanting to lose weight. And I was consistent with it. And that’s when I started noticing the weight drop, my clothes getting bigger, other people were starting to notice my weight loss, I WAS FEELING SO GOOD! And I fed off of that day by day. It kept my motivation going and going and before I knew it.. I was at the state fair again a few years later, looking completely different, feeling completely different, with a whole new mindful mindset about food, a whole new way of control myself, a whole new way of lifestyle. It’s tough guys. I know. Eating habits are the hardest things to break. Give it a real chance. Make a real change. & be consistent with it, even if it’s just for a couple weeks – be consistent & you will notice results and it will drive your motivation to KEEP doing what you did to get those results.

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„Ég var örugglega um 65-68 kíló. Einn mánuðinn þyngdist ég um tæplega sex kíló, og læknirinn minn benti mér á að það væri frekar mikið, en ég gat ekki stjórnað hversu mikið ég var að borða,“ segir Sarep.

„Eftir að ég eignaðist son minn í febrúar 2012 var ég um 83 kíló. Á þessum tímapunkti vissi ég að ég ætti að gera eitthvað varðandi þyngd mína og matarvenjur mínar, en sem nýbökuð móðir þá var erfitt að búa til tíma fyrir sjálfa mig. Ég var að vinna frá átta til fjögur og þurfti einnig að hugsa um son minn.“

Næstu árin segist Sarep hafa lifað sama lífsstíl og vó um 77 kíló. Hún varð síðan ófrísk af sínu öðru barni sem hún fæddi í mars 2015.

„Ég var þá aftur í kringum 83 kíló. Ég var á þessum tíma heimavinnandi móðir. Eiginmaður minn ákvað að hann vildi borða hollara og fara í ræktina. Ég studdi hann en var ekki tilbúin að fylgja honum í þessari heilsu vegferð,“ segir Sarep.


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throwback thurssssday! ⠀ ⠀ Ahh I remember the months leading up to my wedding. I was at my heaviest weight that I had ever been.. ⠀ ⠀ I could sit here and easily go into how awful I felt about myself back then & how much I didn’t care about myself or what I was doing to my body but today, I’m choosing not to go there. ⠀ ⠀ I’m choosing to look at the pic on the left & the pic on the right & think — wow! I have come along freaking way. And I feel so much happiness looking at this because I’m so glad that I made the step into a healthier future and stuck with it. ⠀ ⠀ AND NOT JUST THE BECAUSE OF THE PHYSICAL ASPECT. ⠀ ⠀ I remember the horrible mental state I was in back then.. My emotions were all over the place. I had no real clue who I was or what I wanted to be. ⠀ ⠀ My mental state today is so much more stable. I am continuing to accept who I really am and working towards who I want to be and where I want to go with my life. ?⠀ ⠀ ⠀ I can’t wait to keep growing as a person and keep looking back to see how far I have come! ?⠀ ⠀ ⠀ SIDE NOTE: Can you guess what day I got married? ?⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀

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„Allavega ekki fyrr en ég sá árangur hans eftir fyrsta mánuðinn. Ég bókstaflega hugsaði með sjálfri mér: „Omg… ég get ekki verið stóra konan með geðveikt heitan eiginmann.“ Þessi hugsunarháttur lét mér ekki líða vel. Í staðinn hvatti hann mig áfram og ég ákvað að vera samferða eiginmanni mínum í leit að heilbrigðum lífsstíl.“

Sarep segir að hún vissi að hún þyrfti að borða minna. Hún notaði MyFitnessPal til að fylgjast með kaloríufjölda sem hún innbyrti og setti sér markmið.

„Ég elska hrísgrjón og pasta og ég vissi að ég myndi ekki geta fylgt einhverju mataræði til langtíma ef ég myndi taka alveg út mat sem ég elska. Þannig ég skipti þeim út, ég skipti út einföldu kolvetni eins og hvítum hrísgrjónum fyrir flókin kolvetni eins og brún hrísgrjón. Ég skipti út venjulegu pasta fyrir heilhveiti og prótein pasta. Og ég skammtaði mér hverja máltíð.“


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MAMAS YOU CAN DO IT!! ⠀ ⠀ I think all mommas can agree with me when I say that you feel guilty taking time for yourself. Even if you’re doing something to better your mind & body. ⠀ ⠀ I was that momma. I was the momma who want to be with my babies all the time. I never want to miss a second. I literally was selfish with my babies and liked to keep them all to myself. ? ⠀ ⠀ So when I started working out, I only went to the gym or did my workout at home after the kids went to bed at night. I would feel guilty if I took the time to take care of myself when they were awake.. ⠀ ⠀ But the more that I fell in love with working out, eating healthy & this entire lifestyle – I felt less and less guilty for taking care of myself. And realized that my babies need a healthy momma. They need a momma who takes care of herself and takes the time to make herself feel better and do things that calm her sanity. ⠀ ⠀ For a while, working out was like therapy to me. It was the only real alone time that I had. It was the only time that I really focused only on ME and did something that was for ME. ⠀ ⠀ After doing it for a while before I noticed that yes, I was doing this for me BUT the kids now have a happier momma, my husband now has a wife that has MUCH more self confidence & my family was also benefitting from this as well because I was becoming a healthier person to be around (physically and mentally). ⠀ ⠀ And at that point, I fell in love with even more. ?⠀ ⠀ My biggest advice to you is don’t make CRAZY changes that aren’t realistic for you to stick with. Start small, simple & keep adjusting until you find something that works for you and your lifestyle. ?⠀ ⠀ And if you want my help – I’m here for you!! ⠀ ⠀ I’m working on building a team of amazing girls who are motivated to get in their best shape & help inspire others. So if this is you girl, don’t hold back! I would love to be your guidance and mentor! ?⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀

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Máltíðir Sarep voru eins einfaldar og hugsast getur.

„Ég borðaði örugglega brún hrísgrjón og hunangs og BBQ kjúklingabringur alla virka daga fyrstu sex mánuðina. Um helgar borðaði ég það sem ég vildi en reyndi að taka góðar ákvarðanir og borða ekki of stóra skammta.“

Sarep tók samt ekki einungis mataræðið í gegn heldur byrjaði hún að hreyfa sig einnig. „Ef ég á að vera hreinskilin þá var ég hrædd við ræktina. Fyrstu mánuðina gerði ég einungis brennsluæfingar í hálftíma og notaði alls konar tæki í hálftíma. En vissi ekkert hvað ég var að gera. Núna geri ég styrktaræfingar og HIIT æfingar. Ég æfi fjóra daga í viku, 40 mínútur í senn.“


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✨ Opening spots for 10 girls! ✨⠀ ⠀ 10 girls who are looking to change their story, are motivated AF, ready to take the next step to create an AMAZING future, get in the BEST shape & willing to help others along the way! ⠀ ⠀ No experience necessary, you don’t need to be the fittest girl on the block or filled with all of the knowledge – I just want you to be motivated AF to learn as you will be mentored by me & our amazing community and we’ll get you on your feet running in your first weeks! ??‍♀️??‍♀️??‍♀️??‍♀️⠀ ⠀ This opportunity has been changing my world! ? And all I want to do is pay it forward! ?⠀ ⠀ So pleeease comment below with WHY you would love to take this opportunity & change your story with me! ?⠀ ⠀ ⠀

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Hún segist hafa lært mikilvæga lexíu:

„Ég veit það núna að það er ekki sjálfselska að taka klukkutíma á dag frá börnum mínum til að vinna í sjálfri mér, minni heilsu og hreysti […] Ég var með það á heilanum að vera með börnunum mínum 24/7 og gat ekki ímyndað mér að gera eitthvað fyrir mig sjálfa. Ég þurfti að segja við sjálfa mig að það er í lagi að hugsa um sjálfa mig og fjölskyldu mína.“


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The mental transformation behind the image is always better than than the physical. You do it for the physical aspect but you often end up with a better mentality. Not always do I stay so positive and motivated tho. I would be lying if I told you that getting up at 4:30am every morning to workout was always easy or what I wanted to do. But I do it anyways because I know that it’s going to help you meet my goals. And that’s what I’m trying to teach myself to be better at – in my life outside of fitness. With my business. With my life at home. It’s easy to get lazy and not do the things that should get done but can be done later. But — I am telling myself that I need to get to do these things because it will get me closer to my goal. My goal is to be successful in my business & my goal is to have a organized home that is well put. I have to do the work before I can play. & that’s where my focus is at right now. Any tips, podcasts, etc. on being organized and on time management is helpful. So drop if ya can!

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Að lokum gefur Sarep öðrum ráð:

„Ég vil minna aðrar konur á að þetta tekur tíma. Vertu stefnuföst og þolinmóð. Og mundu, þú færð það sem þú gefur í þetta. Ég vaknaði ekki alltaf klukkan hálf fimm á morgnanna full af orku og metnaði til að fara í ræktina, en það var eini tími dags sem ég hafði tíma til að gera það!“

Athugasemdir eru á ábyrgð þeirra sem þær skrá. DV áskilur sér þó rétt til að eyða ummælum sem metin verða sem ærumeiðandi eða ósæmileg. Smelltu hér til að tilkynna óviðeigandi athugasemdir.

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